Team Return presents: Stones!

For this new update, we are very pleased to present you all with our first release of a musical track.

Team Return has been blessed to have Panu Aaltio (known amongst us crazy fans as Grotto Dragon) writing the music for our game. Some of you will remember the wonderful rendition of Stones he did a decade ago that was used during the Quotes of Ultima V: Lazarus, but Panu is also a professional and very talented composer having already scored multiple films and videogames.

Panu has already been writing several tracks for us for the last couple of years, but we’ve been keeping them under wraps because… well we don’t want to spill all the beans before our releases, do we? His work has constantly been blowing us away because trully: this is the kind of music a fan-made videogame usually don’t get. But we’ve also been wanting to give you a snippet of Panu’s wonderful work and the musical style adopted for Ultima: Return.

And what better way to showcase it, by a rendition of Ultima’s most beloved musical track: Stones ?

So Stones is now freely available on our media page .

We hope you all enjoy it, and feel free to share your thoughts!

7 thoughts on “Team Return presents: Stones!”

  1. Thanks for releasing this track! Grotto’s (Panu’s) musical abilities are extraordinary! I look forward to playing Ultima: Return someday and hearing the tunes that I love.

  2. I didn’t like it at first, because Stones was always upbeat in my mind. But by the end I had chills all over my arms. Good freaking job.

  3. I’ll admit it’s quite different from the regular renditions of Stones (which are indeed quite upbeat, albeit Ascension had a more melancolic variation), but I feel quite reprensetative of the tone we are aiming for the Ultima: Return.

    I gotta say I was really blown away by the chorus bit.

    We’ll do our best to offer everyone something to play sooner rather than later!

  4. Ah, after the music in Lazarus I was expecting something like this with a nice buildup and climax. 🙂 Did not disappoint!

  5. Heh yeah, when I heard the first note of the track it immediately reminded me of that Stones variation Grotto did a decade ago 😀

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